
This mobile app. is provided by key4events. If you have any question please contact us at key4lead@key4events.com

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

1. I can't connect the app : license does not exist

Please ensure you are using the 8 characters (letters and digits) licence key provided by key4events. Name is a free text field to help tracking which license did scan a lead in the final Excel file.
If you don't remember your license, please sign-in with your account on https://my.key4.events under Services>Lead and check your license key.

2. I can't connect the app : license is already used

Please ensure your license is not indeed used by a coworker
If not, please sign-in with your account on https://my.key4.events under Services>Lead and force the license disconnection with the logoff icon.

Note : A license can be used by a single device only at a time.
If you want to order new licenses, please sign-in with your account.

3. GDPR and consent

Professional organisers and exhibitors do not need to collect attendee consent if the two following conditions are fulfilled :
  • The event is dedicated to a professional industry.
  • Staff scanning attendees must clearly be identified as belonging to a company in the industry and not to the staff of the organiser of the event.
  • Organisers provide only professional contact details and qualifying data for commercial use (area of interest, activity, speciality..)
    Personal data as date of birth or ID number can never be provided to exhibitors.

A professional attendee accepting to be scanned by industry staff is considered as giving consent.

4. Privacy policy

Data collected through lead retrieval are fully dedicated to exhibitors and are hosted in servers located in Europe and will be automatically removed 3 months after the event.
key4events can use this data only to create anonymous statistics based on : number of leads, dates and time of scans.
For more information : https://key4.events/en/privacy-policy/

5. Can I create a lead without scanning a badge ?

If the organizer has allowed the option, you can manually add a new record.
Please note that in this case the lead will be under the BadgeRead Error tab in the visitor Excel list available in your back-office.

6. I'm scanning someone and the contact form is empty

Please ensure you are connected to the Internet.
If yes, it means the attendee you scanned is not yet in our records. You will get the data provided by the organization and your lead form in the final Excel file, updated mostly right after the event.
However please note that this lead will remain displayed as "no name" in the mobile application.

7. I'm scanning someone and the app does not detect the barcode

Please ensure the barcode or QRcode is visible and the print quality isn't too poor.
If yes, take a picture of the badge and contact us.

8. I'm scanning someone and the device returns OK but the contact form is not displayed

If you want to use classic mode, please ensure in the app settings you are using the classic mode.
If you want to use fast scan mode, this is normal. Fast scan is designed to scan visitors without having to fill-in the form, for instance at the entrance of a conference room.

9. Is the lead trackable by license ?

Yes, each visitor will be recorded with the license used and the creation date and timestamp (UTC 0).

10. I have several licenses : are the leads shared with other devices ?

No, each lead is stored only on the local device and the data are sent to the customer account via https://my.key4.events.

11. How can I download the visitors list ?

Sign-in with your account on https://my.key4.events under Services>Lead and follow the bottom link Download at the bottom of your home page.

12. The data provided are incorrect

key4events is not in charge of registration and data collection. If you need more information, please contact the event organiser.
We didn't answer your question ? Please contact us via https://support.key4.events and post a ticket choosing key4lead project.